Devon Band | Exeter Studio | Demo recording


If you’re a Devon band looking to record some tracks purely for ‘demo’ purposes then why not consider our Autumn demo deal;
You can book a 8 hour day Exeter studio with a sound engineer for £180 and you go away with a great mix of your songs on CD. All of our equipment is included within the price, the only additional charge is for our studio drum kit  which is well maintained and session ready at £30 per day.

reviews of our work  

Marcus Mumford from Mumford and Sons tracked vocals here at the studio recently. We used a Shure Sm7b mic through our SSL channel strip The natural power of Marcus's vocals came through our studio set up and he was really happy with his tracked vocals.


Give the studio a call to book a session.

 Mob 07778 2955555

Mark Brown 

Studio Manager